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Commentary By Wai Wah Chin

The College Board Is Dumbing down Its SAT Test Again — Doing No One Any Favors

A high schooler could have predicted this: On Feb. 5, Dartmouth College conceded that, after four years of admitting students in the dark, it needs mandatory standardized testing after all.

Weeks later Yale and, on Tuesday, Brown followed the lead of their smaller Ivy League sibling.

Other top-ranked universities — MIT, Georgetown, University of Florida, Georgia Tech, Purdue University, the US Air Force Academy, West Point, etc. — are already test-mandatory.

It’s good to hear about the flip-backs, but there’s troubling news, too: The testing itself is being dumbed down, even as a new digital-only version becomes mandatory on Saturday.

Why are schools returning to standardized testing? That’s obvious: School grades are inflated to the point of uselessness, essays can be bought online (or generated by AI), and teacher recommendations are often just a reflection of applicants’ ability to please.

Continue reading the entire piece here at the New York Post


Wai Wah Chin is the founding president of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York.

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