Trump Gets His Facts Wrong on China
My jaw dropped last night watching Bill O'Reilly nod in response to Donald Trump's claims about Chinese currency depreciation. Mr. Trump explained to Mr. O'Reilly that China has been depreciating its currency for some time, and that the recent devaluation was just the last in a long series of its manipulations. And, of course, he explained, the depreciation of the yuan is causing havoc in U.S. stock markets because the cheapening of Chinese goods will further rob American companies and workers of the potential to make and sell products at a fair price. Trump called for the U.S. to respond to yuan under-valuation with a tariff on Chinese goods.
In economics, there is lots of room for difference of opinion, and although Mr. Trump is entitled to his own opinion, he is not entitled to his own facts.
Real fact #1: Until very recently, China's currency, the yuan, has been appreciating, not depreciating. From 1995 through 2014, China's exchange rate appreciated by 26%. From 2007 to 2014 alone it appreciated by 19% (see my May 19, 2015 column, “Nonsensical Accusations of Protectionism Through Currency Manipulation”).
Real fact #2: The real exchange rate between China and the U.S. – which measures the relative purchasing costs of goods and services in the two countries – has appreciated even more – 53% since 1995, and 34% since 2007. In other words, China's goods and services have been getting much more expensive relative to U.S. goods and services over the past two decades, especially so in recent years. Last month the IMF recognized that dramatic trend of appreciation in the real exchange rate publicly and declared that, according to its calculations, the yuan was now fairly valued (neither over-valued nor under-valued).
Real fact #3: This month's yuan “devaluation” saw a reduction in the value of the Chinese currency of only 3%.
Real fact #4: That reduction in the value of the yuan was a passive action by the Chinese government to give in to market pressures that were pushing down the value of the currency. In fact, the Chinese government actually intervened to prop up the yuan in the market (see “The Battle of Midpoint,” The Economist, August 15, 2015, p. 63). The depreciation of the currency reflected a new government policy to allow the yuan's value to be more determined by market forces. This marks a reduction in currency “manipulation” (which had been propping the currency up). Many economists have been pressuring the Chinese for years to allow the yuan's value to be determined by the market, and the recent move toward greater flexibility has been widely anticipated for years (see, for example, Barry Eichengreen, “China's Exchange Rate Regime: The Long and Short of It,” in C. Calomiris, editor, China's Financial Transition at a Crossroads, Columbia University Press, 2007).
Real fact #5: The depreciation of the yuan and the slide in Chinese stock prices reflect recent bad news about the Chinese economy, which is why those declines in value have coincided with declines in stock prices outside of China. All of us stand to lose from the current Chinese growth slowdown because China has been an engine of growth for the global economy in recent years.
Many observers (including yours truly) have been predicting a Chinese growth slowdown for years, and have been worrying about a hard landing for the Chinese financial system. Minxin Pei's book, China's Trapped Transition (Harvard University Press, 2006) predicted as much a decade ago. The reason is simple: China's stunning growth for the past three decades reflected its extreme initial backwardness, which translated into immense productive opportunities and very cheap labor. There was a lot of low-hanging fruit that was easily picked in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. But despite its willingness to liberalize some production and trade, China has maintained state control over some of its industry, and continues to prop up state-owned firms with state-controlled credit and state guarantees of various kinds. As Stephen Haber and I noted last year in our book, Fragile By Design: The Political Origins of Banking Crises and Scarce Credit (Princeton University Press, 2014), this is not likely to end well, as China inevitably is hitting diminishing returns in its productivity growth. That is when a competitive, market-driven banking system becomes crucial for directing resources toward productive uses, and away from wasteful ones – precisely what China's communist party cannot tolerate.
The world learned that lesson from the crony capitalist growth slowdowns in Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia in the 1980s and early 1990s, which caused their financial crises in 1997. China's political leaders know this, too, but giving up political control over the economy just doesn't come naturally to them. The consequent growth slowdown reflects a fundamental contradiction between the communist party's desire to preserve control and the economic pre-requisites of continuing growth. Mr. Xi has something in common with our own President: he prefers control to growth.
The other contributor to the Chinese stock market's hard landing was the Chinese government's foolhardy attempt to prop up stock prices with a combination of government purchases of shares and political attacks on people who “unpatriotically” decide to sell shares. There is no surer way to dissuade people from buying shares than to vilify stock sellers, especially in a society where a government's expressions of displeasure about its citizens are not constrained by the rule of law.
These five basic facts are fundamental to any understanding of the global economy, the future direction of Chinese growth and international economic relations. How can someone purporting to be an expert on business and finance, as Mr. Trump does, manage to get his facts so wrong? Contrary to Mr. Trump's claim, China has not been depreciating its currency in recent years. And the recent 3% decline in the yuan could not possibly explain the massive declines in Chinese stock prices (which had doubled this year, and are now below their beginning of year value). The yuan/dollar exchange rate appears to be roughly correctly valued, and there is no justification for a tariff on Chinese goods based on a concocted theory of currency manipulation.
I guess I must be “bleeding from my eyes” and “wherever” to find it outrageous that a candidate for President – and one that claims to be a financial expert to boot – would be so willing to distort basic economic facts to score some populist points with the electorate. Then again, maybe Mr. Trump just doesn't know these basic facts, which would make him more than a little “over-rated” as an economic expert.
This piece originally appeared in