In his State of the City address Wednesday, Mayor Adams ad-libbed a phrase not in his written remarks, repeating it four times: “Stay focused, no distractions, and grind.”
The mayor seemed to be giving advice to himself — advice he needs to take.
Though his big ideas are fine, if limited — safe streets, more housing — he’s still not following through.
True to type, the mayor whipped the crowd into a party atmosphere.
(He wielded Wednesday’s Post article on Time Out ranking us the world’s best city.)
His message: “Crime is down, jobs are up.”
The tone was the opposite of the governor’s two weeks ago, when she drew a picture of a city where people are terrified they’ll be stabbed by a stranger and demoralized by the sight of toothpaste locked up in the Duane Reade.
The mayor risks alienating people if he continues to present the crime issue as something he’s fixed, not an ongoing crisis — yet another “random” stabbing claimed a victim in Times Square hours before the mayor spoke.
Continue reading the entire piece here at the New York Post
Nicole Gelinas is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and contributing editor at City Journal. Follow her on Twitter here.
Photo by Leigh Vogel/Getty Images for Concordia Summit