Whether And How To Adjust Income Trends For Declining Household Size, Part 2
This is the second of two essays exploring the question of whether income trend estimates should be adjusted for declining household size. In the first essay, I reviewed the evidence on changes in household size, concluding that declining fertility several decades ago is behind the trend of smaller households. However, more recent trends in the number of adults per household differ by educational attainment. The theoretical case for size-adjustment turns out to be more complicated than is first evident.
Here I continue this discussion, describing several proposals for size-adjustment and evaluating what each implies for changes in living standards among the poor and middle class. I conclude that a conservative way to account for shrinking households in measuring income trends is to adjust incomes for the number of adults in residence.
What Adjustment to Apply?
My previous essay showed the theoretical basis for adjusting income trends for household size changes is weaker than some researchers—myself included—have argued. Even if it were obvious that incomes should be adjusted for the number of people or adults in a household, there would remain the question of how to make the adjustment. Doing so requires an “equivalence scale”—a mapping of different household configurations to new household “sizes” that reflect their varying needs. One could, for instance, simply assume that a household of two people needs twice as much income as a single person living alone to have the same level of wellbeing. Even assuming away all the issues discussed so far, that’s clearly not right though. Two people living together do not have to pay rent to two different landlords or pay off two mortgages. The most common way of adjusting for the needs of different households is to simply take the square root of household size and then divide household income by this amount. This approach assumes that a household of four people needs twice as much income as a single person living alone (since the square root of four is two and the square root of one is one).
Any number of alternative adjustments are possible. For instance, one might count children as fractional adults to reflect the presumption that an additional child requires less income than an additional adult to maintain living standards. In the past, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has counted additional adults beyond the first as 50 percent of a person and children as 30 percent of a person, then incomes are adjusted by this modified household size.
Alternatively, rather than taking the square root of household size—where the exponent of household size is 0.5—one might use an exponent of 0.3 or 0.7. An influential National Academy of Sciences (NAS) panel in 1995 proposed using an exponent between 0.65 and 0.75, but after multiplying the number of children by 0.7. In the context of declining household size and rising income over the past 45 years, choosing an exponent that is higher than 0.5 will produce larger increases in size-adjusted incomes over time. For instance, using an exponent of 0.5 would mean dividing the incomes of four-person households by 2 in 1969 and dividing the incomes of one-person households by 1 today. But using an exponent of 0.99 would approximate simply dividing the incomes of the earlier four-person households by 4 while continuing to divide the incomes of the later one-person households by 1. Since dividing by 4 will produce smaller initial size-adjusted incomes than dividing by 2, using an exponent of 0.5 will produce smaller gains over time than using an exponent of 0.99.
In the context of falling household size and rising income, dividing income by the square root of household size generally will produce conservative estimates of income gains relative to the gains dividing by the NAS or OECD alternatives. To illustrate, imagine that there was no change in aggregate household income over time. Imagine further that initially all households were comprised of two adults, while today they are all comprised of one adult. Let’s say we simply divide incomes by household size to adjust them. In the initial year, incomes would be divided by two, and in the ending year they would be divided by one, and size-adjusted income would increase by 100 percent (line 8 in the table below).
Now, moving from left to right across lines 1-7 shows the amount by which we would divide incomes to adjust them using different equivalence scales. As we move rightward across lines 1 and 2, the amount by which incomes are adjusted decreases. That means that the size-adjusted incomes will be larger moving from left to right. Line 8 shows that in our hypothetical example where households shrink from two adults to one, adjusting household income for size differences by taking the square root of household size will indicate less of an income gain than if the OECD or NAS approaches were used.
Lines 9 through 14 show the same calculations as line 8 but for different types of household-size decline. In general, adjusting for household size declines by taking the square root of the number of members is the most conservative option. The exception is when households get smaller because there are fewer with any children (lines 11 and 12), where the OECD approach is more conservative. The differences between taking the square root of household size and using the OECD or NAS approaches, however, are modest compared with the extremes of not adjusting incomes at all or simply dividing by household size.
Lines 15 through 21 show analogous calculations when household size increases. The conclusion is the same: dividing by the square root of household size generally produces smaller declines in size-adjusted income than the other approaches.
What if we ignore children in adjusting incomes for household size? The table below shows how the divisors change and what the implications are for different methods of adjustment. Once again, dividing by the square root of the number of adults is the most conservative adjustment. Compared with the adjustment when children are included, ignoring children leads to larger increases in size-adjusted income when the number of adults falls but leads to larger declines when the number of adults rises.
To see the implications of these different choices, consider how they affect conclusions about changes in living standards. The table below shows the change in median household “money income” comparing 1969, 1989, and 2007 (all business cycle peaks) to 2013, the most recent year of data available. (The PCE deflator is used to put all incomes into 2013 dollars. “Money income” is the standard measure used by the Census Bureau and includes income from private sources as well as federal cash transfers.) Using unadjusted incomes, one would conclude that the median had risen by 14 percent from 1969 to 1989 and from 15 percent from 1989 to 2007. That translates into a 31 percent increase over the whole 38 years ($13,000). Incomes fell after 2007, so the increase between 1969 and 2013 was only 23 percent ($9,500).
By the conventional approach to size-adjustment—dividing incomes by the square root of household size—the increase was 30 percent from 1969 to 1989, 18 percent from 1989 to 2007, and 52 percent over the whole period. The size-adjustment makes the first 20-year period look much better. Other ways of size-adjusting have an even bigger effect.
However, when incomes are adjusted only for the number of adults, the impact on trends in living standards is substantially smaller. No approach to size-adjustment that ignores children shows income gains as large as the most conservative approach that takes children into account. Dividing incomes by the square root of the number of adults yields the conclusion that living standards rose by 19 percent from 1969 to 1989, by 16 percent from 1989 to 2007, and from 39 percent over the whole period.
To look at the impact of size-adjustment on the income trends of the poor, I determine the household income of the person at the 20th percentile of the distribution of household income across people. I then compute the mean income of households below this threshold. For each size-adjustment, I re-compute the 20th percentile under that measure.
The unadjusted trends are very similar to those for median income—a 14 percent rise from 1969 to 1989, an 11 percent increase from 1989 to 2007, and a 26 percent increase over the 38 years. The drop from 2007 to 2013 was a bit higher than for the median, and in 2013 the bottom fifth had just $2,000 more than it did in 1969.
Size-adjustment makes a smaller difference for low-income households than it does for middle-class income trends. As before, it primarily affects the first 20-year period. Rather than increasing by 26 percent from 1969 to 2007, dividing incomes by the number of household members first indicates a 37 percent rise. Dividing them by the number of adult members first shows a 31 percent. Somewhat surprisingly, the increase in the number of adults per household since the 1980s does not appear to alter the conclusions one would draw about the rise in living standards.
Should We Adjust for Household Size?
My previous essay on inflation adjustment makes a crystal-clear case for measuring inflation using the PCE deflator, but what to do about changes in household size remains a question. The decline in household size was driven by a fall in the number of children per household during the 1970s and 1980s, and it is far from evident that the improvement in living standards for having fewer children over time is understated by unadjusted income trends. Adjusting incomes for the number of adults also produces bigger increases in living standards than not adjusting incomes at all. The impact on trends is smaller than even the most conservative way of size-adjustment that accounts for children, and its impact on income trends is similar regardless of which of several approaches is used to adjust for the number of adults. A compromise practice, then, might be to size-adjust based on the number of adults in a household.
While the Census Bureau estimates suggest that median household income rose by just 10 percent from 1969 to 2013, when the PCE is used for inflation adjustment and incomes are adjusted for the number of adults in a household, the increase was 30 percent. The 10 percent rise the Census Bureau estimates translates into a $4,800 increase. A 30 percent rise in unadjusted terms would amount to $14,400—quite a difference.
Indeed, this estimate also understates the improvement in living standards, for a variety of reasons, including the failure to take health insurance benefits, noncash government transfers, and taxes into account and the comparison of 1969 (a business cycle peak) to 2013 (only a few years into the recovery). My preferred estimates that address these issues indicate that median disposable size-adjusted household income rose by around 50 percent from 1969 to 2007.*
But that is an argument for another day.
* Estimating the effect of health insurance, noncash benefits, and taxes on income from 1969 to 1979 using the impact for 1979 to 2007. These measures are unavailable in the CPS prior to 1979.
This piece originally appeared in Forbes.com