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Commentary By Allison Schrager

Private Equity Is No Place for Your Nest Egg

Economics, Culture Tax & Budget

Yes, public markets are risky, but at least they are transparent, and they remain the best option for all but the most experienced investors.

Retirement is expensive. If you’re lucky, yours will last a few decades, and you’ll be earning no or very little income. So if you want to have enough money when you retire, you basically have three options: Save more, take more risk with your investments, or work longer.

Many people find the first and third options undesirable or impossible. That leaves the second option. And despite what people such as Marc Rowan might lead you to believe, there’s really no way to get a higher return without taking more risk.

Continue reading the entire piece here at Bloomberg Opinion (paywall)


Allison Schrager is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal.

Photo by John Slater/Getty Images