How Influencers Are Turning the Tables on YouTube, Facebook, and Other Social Media
Influencers have made a lot of money for social-media platforms and smaller piles for themselves — while facing the risk that at any time, without warning, YouTube or TikTok or Facebook could “deplatform” them.
Now, thanks to the metaverse, content creators can own their own digital real estate – earning much more revenue while eliminating the risk of an unpredicted eviction. While better for the influencers, that’s bad news for social-media platforms, which will no longer get their cut of the action.
In short, influencers are becoming digital owners, not digital renters. And, just as individuals change their outlooks when they switch from renters to homeowners, the new digital owners are starting to see themselves differently. More independent, less tolerant of restrictions imposed by third parties.
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Christos A. Makridis is an adjunct scholar at the Manhattan Institute. He is also a research professor at Arizona State University and the chief technology officer and head of research of Living Opera, an arts and education technology startup.
This piece originally appeared in Forbes.com