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Commentary By Preston Cooper

Hillary Clinton's Free College 2.0 Doesn't Cut It

Economics, Economics Tax & Budget, Employment

Democrats may finally be waking up to the reality that free tuition at all public colleges and universities would be a giveaway to richer Americans who do not need help paying for higher education. Senator Tim Kaine, recently announced as Hillary Clinton’s running mate, admitted as much in a Quora Q&A several weeks ago. “By making all public university education free,” Kaine said, “we’d be giving away college education to richer Americans who don’t need the assistance paying for it.”

This is different from Senator Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s defeated rival for the Democratic nomination, who called for free tuition at all public institutions regardless of students’ incomes. Still, Sanders’ influence is evident in Clinton’s general election platform on higher education. The Democratic nominee is revising her original call for universal “debt-free” public college; she would now make tuition free at four-year public institutions for all students whose family incomes are less than $125,000 per year.

The plan is a giveaway to the upper-middle class, if not the rich. Despite the income limit, the benefits of this proposal would still accrue overwhelmingly to those with incomes between $65,000 and $125,000. This is because institutional aid and federal Pell Grants already substantially reduce the net tuition paid by lower-income students. According to College Board, students with family incomes between $30,000 and $65,000 pay yearly in-state tuition of just $1,440 at four-year public colleges—and students with family incomes below $30,000 pay no tuition at all.

Since upper-middle class students will receive the greatest windfall from Clinton’s proposal, presumably it will be upper-middle class students who disproportionately move to public colleges. These students, who might have otherwise attended private schools, will occupy limited places at public colleges that might have otherwise gone to lower-income students with fewer opportunities. Ironically, Clinton’s plan to make college affordable might actually put it out of reach for many.

Or perhaps we will see the dream scenario: Clinton can convince public colleges to expand enrollment and make spots available to rich and poor students alike. In this case we would expect a surge in enrollment from students of all income groups.

The trouble is that many of these students will not be prepared for college. Six-year graduation rates at four-year public colleges are a disappointing 58%, a number that will probably go down under Clinton’s plan. Free tuition will cause many students to forgo the cost-benefit analysis of enrolling in a bachelor’s degree program, and as a result many may not give due scrutiny to their likelihood of completion.

Even the completers might not be better off. Recent evidence suggests that bachelor’s degrees, often heralded as a guaranteed ticket to the middle class, do not provide any boost to expected earnings for low-ability students. These students might be better off pursuing an associate’s degree or certificate—but free four-year public college will entice many to try for a bachelor’s degree instead.

Then, of course, there is the cost. According to the Washington Post, a Clinton aide estimates the cost of the free tuition scheme at $100 billion over a decade. I do not know how the campaign came up with this number, but there are a couple reasons why it might lowball the true cost.

First, the aforementioned possibility of a large expansion in enrollment would risk blowing up the budget for the free college program. Second, Clinton may find it difficult to get states to agree to offer free tuition. Public college funding decisions (and by extension, tuition setting) happen at the state level, not the federal level. Clinton will need to provide an incentive, such as federal grants, for states to implement free tuition—she cannot simply mandate it.

If the grants are too stingy, states will not play along. Under the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion, Congress matches state funds at a nine-to-one ratio. Despite the grant’s generosity, 19 states decided expanding the program did not make financial sense for them. Clinton may need to be even more generous with her grant funds to achieve her goal of free tuition nationwide. This will only make the plan more expensive.

Cutting rich families off from eligibility for free college is an acknowledgement, long overdue, that abolishing tuition is a regressive policy. However, Hillary Clinton’s plan retains many flaws that no amount of means-testing can solve. Democrats should give up on their quixotic quest to eliminate tuition and focus instead on policies such as reforming federal student aid and promoting college accountability to ensure students receive adequate value for money. Let us hope that Tim Kaine will be a bigger influence on Hillary Clinton’s higher education policy than Bernie Sanders.

This article orginally appeared in Forbes.

Preston Cooper is a policy analyst at the Manhattan Institute. You can follow him on Twitter here.

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