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Commentary By Allison Schrager

Biden Hasn’t Helped the Economy. He’s Made It Worse.

The president’s policies didn’t cause inflation or the energy crunch, but they’ve undermined any hope for dynamism and growth. The really bad news is Republicans don’t have much better ideas.

To President Joe Biden’s credit, his policies didn’t cause many of the economic problems we face today. But they did make them worse. Even more troubling, his policies might reduce growth in the future and make the economy less equal and resilient.

The president normally doesn’t have much impact on the current economy; he doesn’t set energy or asset prices. But this administration has been especially productive when it comes to economic policy making, and most of those policies were bad for the economy. A healthy economy is growing; has low, stable inflation; is resilient to shocks; is able to create and adapt to new technology; and has some degree of equity among its constituents. Biden’s policies undermine all of these things.

Continue reading the entire piece here at Bloomberg Opinion (paywall)


Allison Schrager is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal.

This piece originally appeared in Bloomberg Opinion