Nearly a decade after the Affordable Care Act became law, healthcare is once again front and center in America’s national policy debate. Many of the Democrats running for president—as well as their ideological allies in Congress—have proposed Medicare for All or other variations on single-payer healthcare.
Policymakers and analysts often look toward Europe and the Commonwealth countries for examples of what a future American healthcare system could look like. Some countries like Canada operate a full single-payer system, in which government administers all insurance and care. Others employ a competing-payer model in which government and private systems coexist. As Medicare for All and other single-payer proposals come into vogue, what can the experiences of those countries tell us about what such policies might look like in an American context?
The discussion will feature the Manhattan Institute’s own Chris Pope, Senior Fellow and author of a new report comparing health care systems internationally, and Sean Speer, Fellow in Residence at the Public Policy Forum, a Canadian Think Tank.
Christopher Pope, Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow
Sean Speer, Fellow in Residence, Public Policy Forum
Moderator: Howard Husock, Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow and City Journal Contributing Editor