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Commentary By Charles W. Calomiris

The UK Election Shows Growth Sometimes Wins

Why would an austerity-promoting Conservative government that is asking voters to make continuing economic sacrifices be able to win so resoundingly in England and Wales, with enough support to form a government without the erstwhile assistance of the Liberal Democrats?

Two centuries ago a British political philosopher opined that “the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to its loose fiscal policy.” Someone needs to explain this principle to Prime Minister David Cameron, who seems to be unaware of this iron law of democracy. And he isn't the only successful Conservative in Britain's history to contradict this dire prediction. Margaret Thatcher offered Britain a reform program in the 1980s which imposed severe short-term economic costs in exchange for long-term economic gains, in the form of reduced inflation and higher economic growth. Thatcher delivered on those promises and won three terms in office. Cameron may be on his way to similar electoral success, if he can deliver the growth gains that he claims his austerity program will produce.

The key insight that both leaders had about voters is that they are not as short-sighted as they are commonly believed to be. In their famous 1981 essay, “A Rational Theory of the Size of Government,” professors Allan Meltzer and Scott Richard developed a model of voter behavior in which growth-oriented policies are sometimes rewarded by the deciding median voter – a voter who cares both about short-term redistribution and long-term growth. Recently, in a follow-up article, the authors have shown that their model does an excellent job explaining the ups and downs of tax and transfer policies in several countries, including the UK (“A Positive Theory of Economic Growth and the Distribution of Income,” Working Paper, Carnegie-Mellon University, April 2015). The essential insight of this article is that there are critical moments in countries' histories when the consequences for growth are large enough that voters reward long-term growth and accept austerity as a necessary pill to swallow. This is one of those times in the UK.

Of course, there is more to the story than that. The UK government not only projects growth; it has delivered growth, contrary to the prognostications of its critics. Many skeptics, including leftist economists such as Paul Krugman, vilified the austerity policies of the Cameron Administration. The Financial Times was highly critical, too, several years ago, but the record of success led even the left-leaning Financial Times to eat some crow over its dire warnings and to endorse the Conservatives for reelection last week.

Finally, the success of the Conservatives today is not only about the promise of growth; it also reflects some populist politics. Like Margaret Thatcher, whose victories three decades ago were made possible by the privatization of council flats – a well-conceived benefit to the middle class, which made the benefits of privatization tangible and personal – the Cameron Administration has used housing subsidies to win popularity, including its mortgage credit risk subsidies through the “help-to-buy” program. Mr. Cameron promised to expand those policies during the recent election campaign. Unlike Mrs. Thatcher's housing privatization, however, it is likely that an expansion of existing housing finance subsidies will expose the government to fiscal consequences and housing price bubbles that could threaten long-term growth. Going forward, the most interesting question will be how Mr. Cameron will weigh the need to deliver on growth against the need to deliver populist housing subsidies.

This piece originally appeared in Forbes

This piece originally appeared in Forbes