The Truth behind ‘Extremely Encouraging’ NYC Student Test Scores Deserves a Failing Grade
Sadly, I must give Schools Chancellor David Banks and his press office a solid F in both critical thinking and truth in advertising for their characterization of the results of last spring’s administration of the state’s English language arts and mathematics exams as “extremely encouraging.”
They further claim that in their first year in office, “We’re seeing more of our students on grade level.”
Their own researchers are more forthcoming; every page in the PowerPoint that accompanied the chancellor’s statement is clearly labeled: “2023 Math and ELA tests are aligned to new standards. Therefore, results from 2022 and 2023 are not comparable. Any comparisons shown are for informational purposes only.”
So what is it: Are the results not comparable due to new standards and new “passing” scores or are we to be encouraged by more students being on grade level? That’s an either-or question — “both” is an unacceptable answer.
Continue reading the entire piece here at New York Post
Ray Domanico is a senior fellow and director of education policy at the Manhattan Institute.
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