Health, Energy Energy
May 11th, 2023 1 Minute Read Testimony by Randall Lutter

Testimony Before U.S. House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health

Randall Lutter testified in a hearing before the U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health.

Good afternoon. To Chair Guthrie and Ranking Member Eshoo, distinguished members of the subcommittee: I am honored and grateful to have the opportunity to testify about how best to prepare for and respond to future public health security threats.

My key points all relate to enhancing private sector biodefense and may be useful for PAHPA reauthorization.

First, there needs to be more actionable information and financial incentives for effective emergency preparedness and response by the private sector. Second, there should be more public involvement in the CDC’s risk communications. Third, we need greater transparency in federally supported research about public health and communicable diseases.

Click here to read the full testimony


Randall Lutter is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.


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