King v. Burwell is in the history books. Subsidies on federal exchanges will continue to flow and supporters of the ACA will (correctly) see this as a big win for the president. But to pretend that this means smooth sailing for Obamacare from here on out would be disingenuous at best.
Obamacare subsidies are just one important leg of a three-legged stool. And two of them may start wobbling after 2016.
Federal backstops for insurers (risk corridors and reinsurance) will disappear after 2016, likely resulting in significantly higher premiums on the exchanges. Additional changes to how subsidies for premiums are calculated in beginning in 2019 also threaten to push more premium costs onto consumers. The exchanges have also largely failed to attract younger enrollees, and middle-class enrollees have been frozen out by (unsubsidized) Obamacare-sticker shock.
The next move for reformers should be to focus on unleashing the innovative capacity of states to implement their own “repeal-and-replace” plans by block granting subsidies under the law. Some states will opt to keep Obamacare, and others experiment with very different arrangements. But a federalism-first approach to reform will eliminate the need for conservatives to coalesce around a single, one-hit replace plan, and might even attract support from moderates and liberals interested in trying broader reforms that improve health, rather than simply spending more on health insurance.
Federal backstops
Under Obamacare, the “3 Rs” – risk corridors, transitional reinsurance, and risk adjustment – help minimize insurer losses (and effectively cap profits) until individual insurance markets stabilize. After 2016, risk corridors and reinsurance disappear, mostly leaving insurers to stand on their own two feet.
It's likely that the removal of these supports will result in, at least, a one-year larger-than-normal increase in premiums. (The CBO and other analysts have predicted as much.) For insurers that are unable to attain a stable risk pool by then, this may also risk pushing them out of the market. This reduction in competition among insurers may itself add upward pressure to premiums.
Subsidy cap
Starting in 2019, if combined premium and cost-sharing subsidies exceed 0.54 percent of GDP, subsidies available to enrollees will begin to be reduced to fall closer in line with inflation. The American Action Forum modeled the potential effect of this “trigger” on premium contributions, finding that at 200% of the federal poverty line, required premium contributions would grow to nearly 11 percent by 2023, up from 6.3 percent in 2014.
The implication is fairly simple – on its current track, in just a few short years the ACA will begin to require enrollees to shoulder an ever-growing share of premiums.
Limited information
Perhaps most importantly – especially given the prevalence (some have estimated 60 to 80 percent of plans being sold) of high-deductible plans – the exchanges have little in the way of real transparency. An Avalere Health analysis found what would be best described as a failure in the way of transparency: 38 percent of plans examined had no formulary information, only 40 percent had “very accessible” provider directories, and only one exchange had an out-of-pocket cost estimator.
And the high costs on the exchanges have made them extremely unattractive to middle class families.
A way out?
None of these Obamacare issues will be simple to fix. The cap on subsidies, for instance, helps to protect the federal government from the potential of out-of-control health care costs. Meanwhile, though transparency is simple to demand, in practice it's much more difficult to implement, with hospitals often unwilling to release true cost information, making cost estimators difficult to develop. Medicare itself has often bent to the will of providers, focusing on process metrics, and even withholding safety information in some cases.
Republicans need to focus on – and demonstrate – that they are sensitive to the needs of consumers by offering reforms that increase provider competition and lower the cost of care; improve the function of high deductible health plans and HSAs for patients with chronic illness; and enable more choice and competition on public exchanges, including lower cost plans. They should also appeal to states' self-interest in capping runaway health care costs for programs like Medicaid.
Most of this activity, in fact, can take place at the state level, as most health care licensing is regulated (or rather, over-regulated) by the states. An ambitious governor – perhaps eyeing the White House – could embrace the challenge of making his or her state a laboratory for market-based innovation and pricing.
One could almost write a book on the topic. (Or at least edit one.)
The best strategy, as we've explained in the past, isn't to wait for a foolproof conservative bill or for a deus ex machina from the courts, as Republicans seems wont to do. There are waivers to be claimed (or at least argued for, i.e., the 1332 waivers in the ACA itself), and Republicans can champion expanding the waivers to empower states to embrace broad health care experimentation. In short, block grant as much of the law as possible.
That's a positive message that Obamacare critics should press much more aggressively. We know what's wrong with American health care. We know what's wrong with Obamacare. The biggest silver lining of the King v. Burwell decision is that Republicans will have a clean sheet in deciding what their real alternative is, and arguing for it to the American people.
Let the debate begin.
This piece originally appeared in Forbes