Johns Hopkins off the Hook for Anti-Semitism in Latest Biden Ed Department Settlement
Hopkins faced federal inquiry after campus protester held 'Go Hamas' sign featuring swastika
President Joe Biden's Department of Education reached an agreement with Johns Hopkins University to settle civil rights complaints that alleged widespread campus anti-Semitism in the wake of Hamas's Oct. 7 terror attack. The agreement will see Hopkins, which did not admit wrongdoing, implement underwhelming reforms like general anti-discrimination training.
Hopkins agreed to "provide annual training to all employees and staff responsible for investigating complaints and other reports of discrimination" as well as general training "addressing discrimination based on race, color, and national origin" to all staff and students. The university will also conduct a survey "to evaluate the climate with respect to shared ancestry and the extent to which students and/or staff are subjected to, or witness discrimination." Hopkins will then report the survey results to the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights.
Anti-Semitism at Hopkins especially reared its head in May when an Israeli Ph.D. student said she was "hit by a girl holding a Palestinian flag, right at the campus entrance." The girl "shouted at me to go back to Europe and hurled insults at me and Israelis," the Israeli student said in a recent interview about Hamas's Oct. 7 terrorist attacks.
Continue reading the entire piece here at The Washington Free Beacon
Lexi Boccuzzi is a policy analyst at the Manhattan Institute.
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