June 26th, 2024 1 Minute Read Press Release

Ilya Shapiro reacts to Murthy v. Missouri SCOTUS decision

NEW YORK, NY – The Manhattan Institute's director of constitutional studies Ilya Shapiro comments on today's Supreme Court decision in the case Murthy v. Missouri:

"In the term’s much-anticipated social-media-regulation case, the Court took the 'easy' way out by not deciding the key issue. Instead of updating the rules on jawboning—government pressure on businesses to do its bidding—for the digital age, a six-justice majority simply kicked the case on standing grounds. That’s a disappointing cop-out: the public deserves to know that their elected officials aren’t doing an end-run around the Constitution by having private actors do its bidding. But also note that this 6-3 vote involved three conservatives joining three liberals—so again attacks on the Court as being a bunch of partisan hacks fall flat."

Ilya Shapiro and Manhattan Institute legal fellow Tim Rosenberger filed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in this case earlier this year. Read the full amicus brief here.

Ilya Shapiro is a senior fellow and director of constitutional studies at the Manhattan Institute. Please direct any media inquiries to press officer Grace Twehous at gtwehous@manhattan.institute.


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