How Our Leaders Are Piling on the Risks for Cops
Let us be clear about one thing: Responsibility for the assassination of Police Officer Miosotis Familia in The Bronx early Wednesday morning lies with the man who pulled the trigger — career criminal Alexander Bonds, now deceased himself, happily, courtesy of the NYPD.
So let’s talk atmospherics.
It’s not just in New York City where cops increasingly are viewed as enemies of the public. Case in point, Chicago — where 60 people were shot over the July 4 weekend (eight fatally), and where the usual suspects are demanding federal oversight of the police department, without even cursory consideration of the culture that drives that tortured city’s endless bloodshed.
New York, for now, is different. Miosotis Familia died in service to a city that long ago confronted and defeated the pathologies that plague the South Side of Chicago — dramatically proving that reclamation is possible, if only the will is there.
But is New York’s will weakening? Is the city institutionally discarding the policies and practices that hauled it back from the abyss two-plus decades ago? And more to the point, as New Yorkers of goodwill mourn the death of PO Familia, are they turning away from the men and women of the NYPD?
The answer to the first question is an emphatic yes. The answer to the third is less clear, but not encouraging.
Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance last week put....
Read the entire piece here at the New York Post
Bob McManus is a contributing editor to the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal.
This piece originally appeared in New York Post