Hochul’s Subway-Safety Claim a Cruel Joke — as Violence Hit Deadly High in 2024
If progressives don’t want people acting in self-defense or defending others on the subway, then the state has to keep us safe — but Gov. Hochul still won’t protect us from the deadliest subway environment in three decades.
It’s reasonable for New Yorkers to fear that Good Samaritans will be less likely to act, even after the acquittal of Daniel Penny on a criminal negligence charge for the death of Jordan Neely, who had threatened other subway passengers.
Who wants to sit at the defense table for eight weeks?
As Imani-Ciara Pizarro, one of two random stabbing victims at Grand Central on Christmas Eve, told The Post, witnesses to the attack “just froze.”
Causing reasonable people to think twice before helping someone else makes the subways even more dangerous than they are right now — despite Hochul’s absurd rhetoric that they are safe.
Continue reading the entire piece here at the New York Post
Nicole Gelinas is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and contributing editor at City Journal. Follow her on Twitter here. Nicole is the author of Movement: New York’s Long War to Take Back Its Streets from the Car, available now.
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