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Commentary By Nicole Gelinas

Here’s How You Can Save Money without Cutting Cops, Mayor Adams

Public Safety New York City, Policing

Mayor Adams has known for a year and a half that his mismanagement of the migrant crisis would force New York City to cut billions in spending — yet last week, his first move was to go full apocalypse, canceling police-academy classes and thus endangering his only real campaign promise, to improve public safety.

If Adams really wants to protect the NYPD — and libraries too! — there are other places he can cut.

The mayor projects canceling police-academy classes will save $42 million this year, $289 million the next year and $229 million for each of the following two years.

Continue reading the entire piece here at the New York Post


Nicole Gelinas is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and contributing editor at City Journal. Follow her on Twitter here.

Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images