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Commentary By Jared Meyer

De Blasio's Next Target? Uber's Surge Pricing

Cities, Cities, Economics New York City, Infrastructure & Transportation, Regulatory Policy

The feud between Uber and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is far from over. Despite the evidence presented in my new Manhattan Institute report that ridesharing helps low- and medium-income neighborhoods and does not cause increased Manhattan congestion, the city will likely take some action to curtail ridesharing's innovative business model this fall.

A City Council bill has already been introduced that would cap ridesharing dynamic pricing at 100 percent above the normal rate. With public opposition to a cap on ridesharing's growth remaining strong, it is possible that de Blasio and the New York City Council will focus their efforts on limiting dynamic, or “surge,” pricing instead, which is unpopular with the public.

This would be a mistake. Limiting dynamic pricing may be politically popular, but elected leaders should not take away a powerful tool that allows ridesharing to meet customer demand.

Advances in technology allow companies to match supply and demand through instantaneous pricing changes. These price changes are clearly communicated to riders before they request an Uber. When demand for rides increases, Uber raises the fares that it pays to its drivers to get more cars on the road. On dates when many people are looking for rides, such as Halloween and New Year's Eve, a New York City Uber ride costs about 3 times more than a normal fare, and rates can move even higher.

In addition to increasing the supply of drivers by raising their earnings, this dynamic pricing discourages people who do not really need a ride from requesting one, lowering demand. For example, when faced with the price increase, someone might decide to take the subway back to Prospect Park after a night out in the West Village instead of an Uber. This system keeps rides available for those who need them the most.

This policy not only benefits drivers, it also benefits customers. Because of dynamic pricing, people can usually get an Uber within 10 minutes, even in times of high demand. It is simple economics.

A proposal to limit dynamic pricing has precedent. In July 2014, the New York Attorney General's office came to an agreement to cap Uber's pricing during emergencies and natural disasters. Though the agreement may have helped Uber in terms of public relations, laws that limit dynamic pricing lead to a situation where those who truly need rides cannot get them when the supply of transportation is low while demand is high.

According to the Attorney General's website, the deal reached with Uber “sets a cap on its pricing during emergencies and natural disasters limited to the normal range of prices it charged in the preceding sixty days—while also limiting the allowable range of prices by excluding from the cap the three highest prices charged on different days during that period.”

Uber had to agree to these terms because under New York State law it is illegal to sell products at an “unconscionably excessive price” during “an abnormal disruption of the market.” This is troubling since regulating through vague legal terms that lack any hard numbers or specifics creates uncertainty and the possibility of selective enforcement.

Opponents of dynamic pricing claim that it discriminates against those with low incomes and only benefits those with high incomes. But this is not a class issue. As the gas shortage perpetuated by laws against price gouging showed in aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, getting gas at $5 a gallon is preferable to being unable to get any gas at all. The same logic holds for transportation, as having the option to get somewhere by paying more is always better than being stranded.

Rather than creating new regulations for ridesharing companies, steps need to be taken to allow taxis to better compete with the new competition.

One change that would help taxi drivers compete is the deregulation of fares that originate from remote dispatch. This means that if consumers use a service to book a taxi, instead of hailing one on the side of the road, the fares are not set to the predetermined metered rates. Taxis would be freer to compete on price or experiment with alternative fare models, as long as the fare structure is clear beforehand.

New York City taxi owners must go through the city's Taxi & Limousine Commission before they can change their rates. Changing taxi rates can take years. Uber, however, can adjust its rates instantaneously to correspond with changes in demand. Enabling yellow and green taxis to charge pre-determined prices that are contingent on both the time of day and amount of congestion would help modernize an antiquated industry.

Flexible prices would subsequently encourage taxi drivers to offer services during later hours in the day or in poor weather conditions. As Princeton economist Henry Farber documented in his extensive 2014 analysis of taxi rides in New York City, drivers respond to both anticipated and unanticipated changes in earning opportunities. In addition to providing conclusions that lend support for dynamic pricing, Farber argues that the reason there are 7 percent fewer yellow cabs on the road when it is raining is simply that driving in inclement weather is unpleasant and dangerous. Some drivers choose to not drive since doing so offers no benefits in terms of higher earnings to offset these costs.

In many cities, such as New York, traditional taxis can already use the Uber platform to hail rides. Hence, deregulation measures that allow drivers to share in ridesharing's other benefits would offer an effective compromise.

A regulatory framework for the future must embrace flexibility to allow for the next transformational product or service to reach the market. Rather than applying outdated limits to ridesharing in the form of caps on its growth or dynamic pricing model, policymakers need to allow taxis to update their business model. In other words, taxis need to become more like Uber—not the other way around.

This piece originally appeared in