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Commentary By Leor Sapir, Erin Friday

California Passes Deceptive Trans Policy in Schools

Governance California, Gender Ideology

On Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 1955 into law. The so-called “Safety Act” is the first in America that prevents schools from adopting any policy that would require teachers and staff to inform parents when their child wants to be referred to and treated as a member of the opposite sex or as “non-binary”.

Schools in the state were already performing secret social transitions of students in large part because of guidance from the California Department of Education that advises schools to hide this information from parents. AB 1955 is an attempt to codify these practices, empowering gender activists against their local critics.

California’s schools are going to extreme lengths to maintain this secrecy from parents. The Golden State’s Roseville Unified School District, for example, has a gender policy that assigns parents a score between 1-10 depending on how “supportive” they are predicted to be of their child’s transgender identity. A low score presumably means that the parents aren’t to be trusted with that sacred knowledge. And, of course, parents have no due process right to contest or even be made aware of the score they are assigned.

Continue reading the entire piece here at UnHerd (paywall)


Leor Sapir is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Erin Friday is an attorney and a leader at Our Duty USA.

Photo by Daniel Knighton/Getty Images