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Commentary By Stephen Eide

Bring Vision to Hochul’s Mental Health Plans

Health Serious Mental Illness, New York

New York needs more psych beds —but just as badly, it needs a strategy.

Mental health policy provides one of the most striking differences between New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and her predecessor, Andrew Cuomo. While Cuomo prioritized cutting psychiatric hospital beds, Hochul has been adding them.

This is a welcome development that lends indispensable support to New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ own mental health agenda. But Hochul’s approach to psych beds is, as of yet, under-strategized. Cuomo was clear about his goal: the “transformation” of New York’s mental health system into one centered more around community-based programs, such as outpatient clinics and supportive housing, and less reliant on inpatient care. The Hochul administration still uses that “transformation” language in official documents and public statements. And top leadership at the Office of Mental Health is unchanged since Cuomo resigned in August 2021. 

But what, exactly, Hochul is trying to “transform,” and into what, begs clarification so that all the people and institutions involved in the complex mental health system understand where New York intends to head and why.

Continue reading the entire piece here at Vital City


Stephen Eide is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.

Photo by Tatiana Maksimova/Getty Images