Thurston Powers
Thurston Powers has worked for the Yankee Institute of Public Policy and the American Legislative Exchange Council on the management of state and local liabilities, including pensions, OPEB, and bonds. He currently works at the Marcatus Center at George Mason University as a data analyst with the Policy Analytic Team. Powers is the author of “State Bonded Obligations” (2018) and a coauthor of “Other Post Employment Benefits Liabilities” (2017) and “Unaffordable and Unaccountable” (2017 and 2018). He has also written on tax and fiscal issues. He is the author of “Where Has All the Money Gone? The 25th Anniversary of Connecticut’s Income Tax” (2016) and a coauthor of “Taxes at Home: A Comparison of Municipal Spending” (2015).
Powers holds a B.A. in psychology and sociology from the University of Vermont and an M.P.A. from NYU–Wagner Graduate School of Public Service.