Culture Culture & Society
August 24th, 2022 Podcast by Institutionalized

Institutionalized: Title IX with Shep Melnick

This week we are joined by Shep Melnick to discuss Title IX’s origin and how it’s interpretation has transformed over time.

Recommendations: Seeing like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed by James C. Scott
Counting: How We Use Numbers to Decide What Matters by Deborah Stone
On Thinking Institutionally (On Politics) by Hugh Heclo
Sexual Assault on Campus: Defending Due Process by Tamara Rice Lave Terri Schiavo case

About Institutionalized

Charles Fain Lehman & Aaron Sibarium, two friends and DC-based reporters who spend a lot of time wondering: are our institutions failing? This podcast is their effort to have these discussions in public, with some of the smartest people we know. Using their experience as reporters, this podcast discusses how our problems come down to how our institutions—our colleges, our businesses, our government, our media—function, or don’t.