In Memoriam: Charles H. Brunie
Statement from Manhattan Institute President Lawrence J Mone:
The Manhattan Institute mourns the passing of Charles H. Brunie, Chairman Emeritus of the organization and Chairman of the Board from 1980 until 1990. No trustee has ever been more dedicated to our mission nor more respected by his fellow board members.
Chuck has been a part of MI’s fabric almost since its founding 40 years ago. He was an integral part of the institute’s developing years and oversaw the board at a time of tremendous growth and innovation. His tenure marked such path breaking accomplishments as the publication of George Gilder’s bestselling book, Wealth and Poverty, and Charles Murray’s landmark book, Losing Ground; the launch of what is now the quarterly magazine City Journal; and perhaps most pertinent today, the formation of James Q. Wilson and George Kelling’s seminal “Broken Windows” theory. In the ensuing years as Chairman Emeritus, Charles remained an active voice and supporter of the institute.
It has been an honor having Charles Brunie as a part of the Manhattan Institute family for almost four decades. He will be greatly missed. Our sympathies go out to his family.
Read Myron Magnet's tribute to Charles Brunie at City Journal
Lawrence J. Mone is president of the Manhattan Institute