Best-selling author Tom Wolfe spoke with City Journal contributor Michael Anton at the October 1, 2014 Young Leaders Circle event. The two spoke about New York in The Bonfire of the Vanities and reflected on how successfully Wolfe’s writing consistently speaks to even today’s current events. For over fifty years, Wolfe has chronicled, and caricatured, contemporary culture in such a way that frequently evokes comparisons to Dickens. Grossman of Time has identified Wolfe as “…one of the greatest literary stylists and social observers of our much observed postmodern era” and Newsday calls him “our pre-eminent social realist.”
Michael Anton, currently the Director of Executive Communications at Citigroup, has been speechwriter to President George W. Bush, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. His City Journal contribution’s include the article “Tom Wolfe’s California.” Anton has written for the Wall Street Journal and Weekly Standard, in addition to authoring his book, The Suit. His forthcoming projects include an examination of Wolfe’s fictional female characters for the Claremont Review of Books and an article on Wolfe’s life and work, to be featured by the Hertog Foundation.