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Young Leaders Circle Forum with Robert Bryce

Wednesday June 2010


Robert Bryce Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute

Now that Democrats have passed their health-care "reform" bill and are quickly pushing through finance "fixes," they are turning their focus on energy policy. Passing a comprehensive energy plan that reduces carbon emissions and invests even more money in renewable sources of energy has been a long-held dream of most Democrats, finally kicked off when Senators Kerry and Lieberman recently introduced their plan.

Wednesday, June 2nd, Robert Bryce, a new Manhattan Institute senior fellow and author of the new book Power Hungry: The Myths of "Green" Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future visited the YLC. He discussed the high cost of renewables and why the oil spill in the Gulf should not be used as an excuse to stop offshore drilling. Mr. Bryce also explained why the costs associated with the carbon-reduction strategies in the Kerry/Lieberman bill will not justify the outcome.

Mr. Bryce has been writing on energy business for twenty years, and since 2005 he has served as the managing editor of Energy Tribune, an online publication that focuses on the global energy sector. In 2008, he published Gusher of Lies: The Dangerous Delusions of "Energy Independence" to wide acclaim, earning kudos from the New York Times, which called Bryce "something of a visionary and perhaps even a revolutionary." He joined the Manhattan Institute as a senior fellow in its Center for Energy Policy and the Environment in April 2010.

Suggested Reading:
The Real Problem With Renewables,, 05-11-10
Seven Thoughts on The Deepwater Horizon Disaster, Energy Tribune, 05-03-10
Five Myths About Green Energy, Washington Post, 04-25-10
Cleaning Up Oil's Reputation, Wall Street Journal, 04-23-10 
