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Young Leaders Circle Forum with Rob Astorino

Wednesday June 2015


Rob Astorino County Executive, Westchester; New York; 2014 Gubernatorial Candidate, State of New York

On June 3 YLC hosted a conversation between E.J. McMahon, Manhattan Institute senior fellow and president of the Albany-based Empire Center for Public Policy, and Westchester County Executive and recent New York gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino. The two discussed the policy challenges facing New York State, from its more affluent suburbs to its struggling post-industrial cities.

Rob AstorinoRob Astorino was elected Westchester County Executive in 2009 and re-elected in 2013 by a 13-point margin—a remarkable spread, considering that the county has twice as many Democrats as Republicans. Since being elected, Astorino has reduced or held flat the county property tax levy every year, reduced overall spending by 4%, and helped improve the business climate, paving the way for the creation of over 30,000 private sector jobs. His responsible management of county finances has helped Westchester maintain the highest credit rating in New York State.
