We are pleased to have the Hoover Institution's inaugural Williams-Griffis Fellow in Contemporary Asia, Dr. Michael Auslin, address the Young Leaders Circle on November 1.
For years the possibility of a nuclear-armed North Korea has threatened geopolitical stability. Despite signing an agreement in 2005 to end its nuclear weapons program, the nation has continued to develop the quantity and scope of its nuclear arsenal. President Trump has spoken about his tougher approach to the threat—but also indicated that actors in the region, such as China, need to be more engaged on a possible solution.
Dr. Michael Auslin, a specialist in global risk analysis and U.S. foreign policy and security in Asia, has written extensively about the North Korean quandary, and the implications it has on broader dynamics in Southeast Asia. A best-selling author, his book The End of the Asian Century: War, Stagnation, and the Risks to the World's Most Dynamic Region analyzes the economic, military, political, and demographic risks that destabilize Asia, and makes bold policy suggestions to avert crisis.
A former associate professor of history at Yale University and resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, Auslin is a longtime contributor to the Wall Street Journal and National Review, and his writing has appeared in other publications such as The Atlantic, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, and Politico. He has been named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, a Fulbright Scholar, and a Marshall Memorial Fellow by the German Marshall Fund.
We hope that you can join us, as we discuss one of the most pressing issues of the day with Dr. Auslin.