Critics of America's decision to invade Iraq in 2003 attribute significant influence to then-New York Times reporter Judith Miller. In a series of articles for the Times in the early 2000s, Miller reported that, according to sources, Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction and intended to develop his regime's nuclear program. The sources turned out to be wrong.
On July 8, Miller discussed her new book, The Story: A Reporter’s Journey, a memoir of her decades in journalism, including her response to critics of her reporting on Iraq. Miller is a Manhattan Institute fellow, Fox News contributor, and winner of a 2002 Pulitzer Prize for work that she and colleagues did in 2001 on Osama bin Laden al Queda. Prior to leaving the Times in October 2005, Miller spent 85 days in jail to defend a reporter's right to protect confidential sources. That year she received the Society of Professional Journalists' "First Amendment Award" for her defense of an independent press.