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Young Leaders Circle Forum with John H. Fund

Wednesday February 2008


John H. Fund Writer, The Wall Street Journal

John Fund, leading political analyst for the Wall Street Journal, joined us to discuss the results of "Super Tuesday." With over half of the delegates to the national conventions decided, the parties are closer to selecting a candidate.

John H. Fund is a featured writer for the The Wall Street Journal's online political column, "Political Diary," which offers unique commentary, reports from the trail and political gossip. He is a member of the The Wall Street Journal's editorial board, where he previously served as deputy editorial features editor. He is the author of several books including Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy (Encounter, 2004). He also was Rush Limbaugh's collaborator on his best-selling book The Way Things Ought to Be. He regularly brings his trenchant political observations to television as a commentator. 
