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Winning the Long War: Lessons from the Cold War for Defeating Terrorism and Preserving Freedom

Thursday April 2005


James Jay Carafano Senior Research Fellow on Defense and Homeland Security
Paul Rosenzweig Senior Research Legal Fellow The Heritage Foundation

Like the Cold War, the Global War on Terrorism will be a lengthy struggle with a determined foe and with far-reaching domestic and international implications. Federal, state, and local governments, as well as business and community leaders, are still searching for the best balance to strike in adopting fundamental and lasting approaches for winning the current conflict while still protecting cherished freedoms.

What is the best way to organize the intelligence community? How should our military forces be structured? What is the proper balance between civil liberties and security? What economic policies should we adhere to? How do we compete in the arena of ideas? What is the role of state and local government? Business? Civic organizations?

In their thought-provoking new book, Winning the Long War, James Jay Carafano and Paul Rosenzweig look back to the long struggle with Soviet communism for answers. We met these challenges before and found an approach that defeated an Evil Empire, achieved robust economic performance, and protected our basic freedoms. This study of our strategic thought and fundamental policies throughout the Cold War presents the hard won lessons we need today for defeating terrorism and preserving freedom.
