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Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength

Thursday September 2011


Roy F. Baumeister Social Psychology Area Director & Francis Eppes Eminent Scholar, Florida State University
John Tierney Science Columnist, The New York Times

Leading social psychologist and scientist Roy F. Baumeister’s latest research reveals that the average person spends four hours of their day battling temptation. It’s no wonder most of us claim our greatest weakness is lack of willpower. But Baumeister argues this doesn’t have to be the case. In Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength, he collaborates with renowned New York Times science writer John Tierney to revolutionize our understanding of self-control.

Combining the best of modern social science with practical wisdom, Baumeister and Tierney deliver the definitive compendium of modern lessons in willpower, and explain how however we define happiness—a close-knit family, a satisfying career, financial security—we won’t reach it without mastering self-control. Willpower features personal stories from entrepreneurs, executives, artists, and parents who have managed to do just that. People such as David Blaine, Eric Clapton, Mary Karr, and Oprah Winfrey offer life-changing lessons in the exercise of self-control. Their experiences show that we can not only build willpower, but also conserve it for crucial moments by setting the right goals and using the best techniques for monitoring our progress. Once we establish the correct habits, willpower gets easier.
