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Trial Lawyers, Inc.: Myths and Realities

Wednesday June 2004

America’s tort liability system consumes more than two percent of America’s gross domestic product, a significantly higher percentage than in any other developed nation. Our program will ask the question: Is our tort system really out of control?


10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Registration
10:30 AM Welcoming Remarks
GEORGE M. ISRAEL, III, President and CEO, Georgia Chamber of Commerce
JAMES R. COPLAND, Director, Center for Legal Policy at the Manhattan Institute
10:40 AM – 12:00 PM Debate
STEVEN B. HANTLER, Assistant General Counsel, DaimlerChrysler Corporation; Author, The Seven Myths of Highly Effective Plaintiffs’ Lawyers
DICK SCRUGGS, Plaintiffs’ Attorney, The Scruggs Law Firm, Pascagoula, Mississippi; Chief Negotiator, Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement
Moderator: HON. ANDREW P. NAPOLITANO, Chief Judicial Analyst, Fox News Channel
12:00 PM– 12:30 PM Reception
12:30 PM– 1:00 PM Luncheon
1:00 PM – 1:15 PM With Comments By: HON. ANDREW P. NAPOLITANO
1:15 PM – 1:45 PM Luncheon Keynote Speaker
PHIL S. JACOBS, Chairman, Georgia Chamber of Commerce; President, Georgia Operations, BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.
