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The Seamless City: A Conservative Mayor's Approach to Urban Revitalization That Can Work Anywhere

Thursday April 2011


Rick Baker Former Mayor, St. Petersburg, FL, Adjunct Fellow, Center for State and Local Leadership, Manhattan Institute

Introductory Remarks: Stephen Goldsmith, Former Mayor, Indianapolis, IN, Deputy Mayor, City of New York
Welcoming Remarks: Michael A. Allegretti, Director, Center for State and Local Leadership, Manhattan Institute

How do we keep America great? Rick Baker, former mayor of St. Petersburg, Florida, provides a compelling—and challenging—answer: by making American cities great. And great cities are built first of all through strong leadership. During his two terms in office, Rick Baker worked toward a clear, uncompromising goal: to make St. Petersburg the best city in America. He led a downtown renaissance, rebuilt the most economically depressed area of the city, attracted businesses, worked to reduce violent crime, and made public schools a city priority— all with measurable results. The Seamless City offers practical advice, based on Baker’s nine years of experience in City Hall, to show how every mayor and city council can make their city dramatically better.
