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The Power of the Vote

Thursday April 2007


Douglas E. Schoen Founding and Former Partner, Penn, Schoen, and Berlandy

Our nation is at an electoral crossroads. With both parties looking for new standard bearers and a winning message, Doug Schoen’s The Power of the Vote should be required reading for Democrats and Republicans alike. The Power of the Vote is an important contribution to the understanding of our nation’s recent political history and of the modern art of political science, written by one of the nation’s most effective campaign strategists.

The firm Doug Schoen built and from which he retired last year has a well-earned reputation for getting Democrats elected: Ed Koch, Hillary Clinton, and John Corzine are among his former clients. But The Power of the Vote is not a partisan book. Schoen describes how the most successful candidates—in either party—tend to be those who embody a few core characteristics: they are friendly to faith, open to markets, and willing to defend the national interest.

Some of Schoen’s most interesting work has been done abroad—and The Power of the Vote also helps show how we can make democracy a more attractive American export.
