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The Past, Present, and Future of the City

Wednesday November 2010

Since its inception in 1990, City Journal has been a powerful voice for urban reform, often taking the lead in calling for policies that would help transform the nation's troubled cities: "Broken Windows" policing, data-driven crime prevention, welfare reform, reclamation of public space, school choice and better curricula, and reduced tax burdens for citizens and businesses. And over these last two decades, many of the nation's cities—led by New York—have indeed revitalized themselves and in the process restored the promise of urban life and its central role in 21st-century America.

On November 17, City Journal marked twenty years of publication with a conference on the past, present, and future of cities. Speakers focused on the history of urban innovation and entrepreneurialism; discussed the failures of liberal reformers and the need for more conservatives to pay attention to cities; and laid out an agenda for 21st-century urban reform.

Welcoming Remarks: Brian Anderson, Editor, City Journal
Introductory Remarks: Stephen Goldsmith, Deputy Mayor, City of New York; Former Mayor, Indianapolis
Introduction: Lawrence Mone, President, Manhattan Institute
Speakers: Heather Mac Donald, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute; Contributing Editor, City Journal; Steven Malanga, Senior Editor, City Journal, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute, Author, Shakedown: The Continuing Conspiracy Against the American Taxpayer;Nicole Gelinas, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute; Contributing Editor, City Journal
Keynote: Michael Barone, Author, Almanac of American Politics
