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The Campaign to Fight AIDS & Malaria: Ensuring Access to the Best Medicines

Thursday June 2004

Speakers: Robert M. Goldberg, Ph.D.; Dr. Mark Dybul, Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator; Amir Attaran, Research Fellow, Kennedy School of Government Harvard University; Scott Gottlieb, Senior Advisor for Medical Technology Food and Drug Administration; Frank Lichtenberg, Courtney C. Brown Professor of Business, Department of Finance & Economics, Columbia Business School; S. L. Ramotlhwa, Director, Botswana Government HIV Program; Jerry Norris, Adjunct Fellow, The Hudson Institute; Robert Orina Nyarango, Head Pharmacist, ARV Programme, Gertrude’s Garden Children’s Hospital (Nairobi, Kenya); Karen Bush, Ph.D., Vice President, Anti-bacterial Research Johnson & Johnson; Emilio Emini, Ph.D., Senior Vice President International AIDS Vaccine Initiative

Breakthrough drugs for diseases once considered death sentences are becoming increasingly common in the developed world—but at prices that are unaffordable without assistance in the poorest nations, where malaria, AIDS, and other treatable diseases rage.

How can first world nations best help save lives in the Third World, particularly those people suffering from AIDS? The U.S. government and American pharmaceutical companies have embarked upon a new plan to rapidly develop and distribute a low cost and convenient combination pill to treat HIV in the developing world. The goal to is provide people in poor countries with the same quality medicines available to Americans at a much lower cost. At the same time, stakeholders seek to ensure that such a program respond to local needs and the latest clinical findings. This conference will discuss this newest U.S. government HIV initiative, what it means for responding to the HIV crisis, and how it might serve as a model for fighting other global diseases and investing in new medicines.
