Panelists: Katherine Boden, Vice President for Electric Operations, Con Edison; Peter Huber, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute; Gil Quiniones, Senior Vice President, NYC Economic Development Corporation, Chairman, Mayor's Energy Policy Task Force
Moderator: Hope Cohen, Deputy Director, Center for Rethinking Development
New York City has the most extensive electrical distribution system in the world, but much of it is aging and in need of replacement. Even for existing residents and businesses, demand has been growing every year. As population and business increases, New York City's electricity infrastructure gets stretched further - sometimes even to the breaking point.
But plans for the substations and transformers to deliver electricity invariably provoke neighborhood opposition—even though they pose no threat to residents.
Everyone loves and depends on electricity—but too many New Yorkers seem to believe it just magically comes out of the wall outlet. The city's well-being and growth depend on having power that is distributed reliably and safely. What needs to be done to ensure New York has the power it needs, now and in the future?