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Overview of Middle Eastern Terror Groups and Suicide Bombers

Wednesday December 2003


Boaz Ganor Executive Director, International Policy Institute

Dr. Ganor is the Executive Director of the International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism located in Herzalia, Israel. He is the Director of the CTCT working group on Suicide Bombings and the co-chair of the Terrorist Organizations working group with Dr. Rohan Gunaratna at the Manhattan Institute’s Center for Tactical Counterterrorism. Dr. Ganor is considered to be Israel’s foremost expert on counterterrorism. He currently serves on the trilateral--Palestinian, Israeli, American--Committee on Incitement, established under the Wye Accords; he recently completed his Ph.D. thesis for the Hebrew University on the subject of "Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy;" and he is the author of the important research report, “Defining Terrorism: Is One Man’s Terrorist Another Man’s Freedom Fighter?

Dr. Ganor will speak about his insider view of suicide terrorism, including the recent suicide bombings in Turkey, and take audience questions. The Center for Tactical Counterterrorism (CTCT) at the Manhattan Institute was created to help the NYPD apply the world-class knowledge of select global counterterrorism experts to New York City’s most pressing terrorism challenges. The CTCT formulates tactical solutions for problems identified by the NYPD leadership--including radiological attack, biological terrorism, port security, and suicide bombing.

The CTCT Speaker Series is designed to introduce our global experts to select groups of supporters and interested individuals in New York City.
