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New York’s Strategy for Growth

Tuesday November 2003


Daniel L. Doctoroff Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Rebuilding, The City of New York

Introduction By: Julia Vitullo-Martin, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute

New York City’s economy faced serious challenges long before 9/11. But the terrorist attacks in the heart of the financial district forced the city to come to grips with the reality that financial services firms and other large corporate employers face strong incentives to decentralize their operations from Manhattan.

The Bloomberg administration has responded with what may well be the most ambitious and far-ranging economic development plan in decades. Leading the charge is Deputy Mayor Daniel Doctoroff, who is responsible for implementing and managing the Mayor’s plan to diversify the city’s economic base and revitalize the city’s neglected shoreline.

Prior to his appointment as Deputy Mayor, Doctoroff was the managing partner of Oak Hill Capital Management and the founder and president of NYC2012, the not-for-profit corporation created to bring the Olympics to New York City in 2012. Doctoroff is a graduate of Harvard College and the University of Chicago Law School.
