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New York City’s Housing Gap: Revisited

Thursday February 2002


Peter D. Salins, Ph.D. Provost & Vice President Academic Affairs, State University of New York Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute

New York City officially declared a housing crisis during World War II. Since then, man has landed on the moon, the Soviet Union has collapsed and the Internet has become ubiquitous, but New York’s housing crisis remains. This is true even in the face of the most extensive government regulation of, and intervention in, the private housing market of any city in the country. After 60 years of high prices and inadequate supply, City residents have only two questions: how did we get into this mess, and how do we get out?

Dr. Peter Salins’ presentation will help answer these questions. His new research documents exactly how far New York lags behind other comparable American cities in terms of housing cost, supply and quality. His talk will also address how and why more of the same policies will not fix this problem, and why a new approach to housing is urgently needed.
