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Miracle Care: How to Solve America’s Health Care Crisis and Why Canada Isn’t the Answer

Thursday November 2004


Sally Pipes President & Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Research Institute San Francisco, California

Introductory Remarks: Rodney W. Nichols, Trustee, Manhattan Institute

An increasing number of Americans are frustrated with our current health-care system. Many theatergoers erupted approvingly when Helen Hunt went on a verbal rampage against her son’s fictitious managed-care health-provider in the movie “As Good as it Gets,” and some even applauded when Denzel Washington went on a literal rampage against a hospital in the film “John Q.” Yet, despite all the anger, there’s still no consensus about how to make health care better.

In her new book, Sally Pipes provides a sober, comprehensive view of why the system is broken—and how it can be fixed. The key solutions, she argues, are to give consumers greater control over health-care spending and decisions, and to avoid the Canadian example of a government-run system.
