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Liberty for Latin America: How to Undo Five Hundred Years of State Oppression

Tuesday March 2005


Alvaro Vargas Llosa Research Fellow, Center on Peace & Liberty, The Independent Institute

On Tuesday, March 22nd, the Manhattan Institute’s Latin American program will continue its dinner series with a forum featuring noted author Alvaro Vargas Llosa who will discuss his new book Liberty for Latin America: How to Undo Five Hundred Years of State Oppression.

One of Latin America’s foremost political journalists, Alvaro Vargas Llosa has authored or co-authored a dozen books including the Guide to the Perfect Latin American Idiot, which was a bestseller in Latin America, Spain, and the United States. His newest book, Liberty for Latin America, is receiving rave reviews for its incisive diagnosis of Latin America’s woes and its prescriptions for getting the region on the road to widespread prosperity and political stability. In her Americas column in the Wall Street Journal last week, Mary O’Grady profiled the book and the “five principles of oppression” that Vargas Llosa suggests condemn Latin America to continued underdevelopment. I’ve attached a copy of her article in case you missed it.

A native of Peru, Alvaro Vargas Llosa graduated from the London School of Economics and has worked as a journalist in Latin America, Europe, and the U.S. for over fifteen years. He is now a Research Fellow at the Center on Peace & Liberty at The Independent Institute in Oakland, California.
