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Are Cops Racist? How the War Against the Police Harms Black Americans

Tuesday January 2003


Heather Mac Donald John M. Olin Fellow, Manhattan Institute Contributing Editor, City Journal

Introduction: Bernard B. Kerik, Former Commissioner, New York City Police Department & CEO, Giuliani-Kerik

Heather Mac Donald’s new book shows that the reduction in urban crime, one of the nation’s signal policy successes of the 1990s, has benefited black communities even more dramatically than white neighborhoods Because cops actively policed inner cities after years of neglect, business and civil society flourish there once again.

Yet the forces in opposition to “racial profiling” threaten to obliterate these gains, especially in America’s inner cities. Attacks on police, centering on charges of police racism and racial profiling, and spearheaded by activists, the press, and even the Justice Department, have slowed this success and threaten to reverse it.

Her book examines the reality behind the allegations. She writes about the black cops you never hear of, the press coverage of policing, and policing strategies across the country. Her iconoclastic findings demolish the prevailing anti-cop orthodoxy.
