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An Unlikely Conservative: The Transformation of an Ex-Liberal Or How I Became the Most Hated Hispanic in America

Thursday October 2002


Linda Chavez President, Center for Equal Opportunity

President-elect George W. Bush's nomination of Linda Chavez to be Secretary of Labor in January, 200l, was widely seen as a nod to the right. What few people knew was that Linda, an articulate and outspoken conservative, began her career among socialists and labor union officials, teaching in college affirmative action programs and writing campaign leaflets for the Democratic National Committee.

Her new book describes her political path from the Young People’s Socialist League to the Reagan wing of the Republican Party – and the sometimes shocking personal experiences that shaped her views. Although attacked as a “traitor to her race” and “the most hated Hispanic in America” for her opposition to affirmative action and bilingual education, it was not her controversial political position that prevented the cabinet appointment. Her book provides an interesting look at some of the many maze-like complications of the presidential appointment process.

Linda Chavez, one of the most prominent female conservatives in the country today, has found herself at the center of some of the most important political controversies of our time. We cordially invite you to hear her fascinating story.
