Albany, Inc.: The Politics of Decline-and What to Do About It
Presenter: Steven A. Greenberg, Siena Research Institute, Empire Center Survey of New York State Voters
Panelists: Hon. Michael A. L. Balboni, Senator, New York State; Jay Gallagher, Albany Bureau Chief, Gannett News Service; Hon. Seymour P. Lachman, Distinguished Visiting Professor, Adelphi Unversity, Former Senator, New York State; E. J. McMahon, Director, Empire Center for New York State Policy
Moderator: Adam Brodsky, Deputy Editorial Page Editor, New York Post
New York State government increasingly functions as an industry for the benefit of the few rather than in service to the many. Albany, Inc., a new report by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, examines how a network of special interest groups, unions, and politicians exert a growth-stifling hold on public policy in the once-great Empire State. It looks at the political realities that prevent needed reform while offering solutions to these vexing public-policy problems.
The panel convened will discuss Albany, Inc. and a new state-wide poll, conducted by the Empire Center for New York State Policy, of voter attitudes about New York State government, politicians, special interests and the various reform proposals.