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A Power and Growth Initiative Summit Unleashing the North American Energy Colossus

Monday July 2012

For decades, Americans have lamented our reliance on foreign oil and politicians have argued in favor of “energy independence.” In reality, the United States is an energy-rich, not an energy-poor, nation. New technology has unlocked reserves of natural gas and oil which, along with vast supplies of coal, can within decades make the United States and its North American allies Canada and Mexico the leading energy export region in the world.

The Manhattan Institute’s new Power and Growth Initiative will focus on increasing public understanding of North America’s abundant energy resources and encouraging public policies that will allow the United States to harness the benefits of that abundance. At this conference—the first of two this year—physicist Mark P. Mills will present his new report, Unleashing the North American Energy Colossus: Hydrocarbons Can Fuel Growth and Prosperity. In it, Mills argues that a regulatory regime which promotes export-focused development of our hydrocarbon resources can be the key to economic recovery and a manufacturing revival. A second paper detailing specific regulatory changes will follow in the fall.

Mills will be joined by a panel of experts with deep knowledge and wide-ranging experience. Please join us for a discussion of the financial, commercial, and geopolitical implications of the new energy reality.

Howard Husock, Vice President, Policy Research, Manhattan Institute
Mark P. Mills, Adjunct Fellow, Manhattan Institute and Forbes columnist
10:25 AMPANEL DISCUSSION: What Would Happen If North America Became the Leading Energy Supplier?
Robert Gardner, Manager of Corporate Strategic Planning, Exxon Mobil
Kevin O’Shea, Minister (Political), Canadian Embassy to the United States
Senator James Talent, Distinguished Fellow, Heritage Foundation
Jamie Webster, Senior Consultant, PFC Energy
Albert C. Zapanta, President, United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce
Moderator: Howard Husock, Vice President, Policy Research, Manhattan Institute
