Will Welfare Reform Increase Upward Mobility?
I've been swamped with other things and haven't had a chance to weigh in on Robert Putnam's new book. I hope to do so soon, as I have pretty strong views about whether the American Dream is in crisis, as his subtitle declares. Without getting into it, one objection I have—not at all the only one—is that Putnam and others tend to catalogue a bunch of negative trends without considering trends that might work toward increasing the upward mobility of poor kids. For instance, violence and drug use are down a lot, teen births are way down, and unwanted births probably have also declined. If you're a good liberal, then you must think that falling class size and expanded access to health care will make a difference. Racial discrimination, while not a thing of yesteryear, is quite a bit rarer than it was a generation or two ago. And so on.
One possible force for greater upward mobility is the welfare reforms of the 1990s. Hear me out, because I think the case is stronger than is generally admitted. We probably won't know the answer for a few more years, because the oldest children born in the 1990s are only 25 years old today, and the youngest are barely 15 years old.
For background, the 1990s featured a number of policy reforms aimed at low-income families with children. Early in the decade, many states began to experiment with reforms to the federal cash assistance program for nondisabled low-income families, known then as Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). This experimentation was made possible by state waivers that Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton approved.
Welfare reform featured prominently in the 1992 presidential race as well. Then, in his first budget, Clinton proposed a substantial expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which was enacted later that year. He also initiated a push to reform AFDC, and Congressional Democrats were working on various proposals before the Republican electoral sweep of 1994. Republicans took welfare reform proposals in a tougher direction, and in 1996, Clinton signed their third bill, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act.
The bill transformed AFDC into “Temporary Assistance for Needy Families” (TANF), which sent block grants to the states, took away the entitlement to benefits that was in AFDC, featured work requirements and time limits, and gave states broad latitude to design their programs how they wished. The legislation also increased child care funding and toughened child support enforcement. Later in the decade, the State Children's Health Insurance Program and the Child Tax Credit were created. Together, these policies and others transformed American anti-poverty policy.
How might these reforms have increased upward mobility? To begin with, liberals tend to believe that parental income per se is important for upward mobility. If true, welfare reform was far more effective than the War on Poverty at expanding opportunity. Child poverty, according to a carefully constructed measure developed by a Columbia University research team, was 26 percent in the peak year of 1969 and 27 percent in 1990 (also a peak). It continued rising until 1993, the year after a presidential campaign in which the winner routinely pledged to “end welfare as we know it” and the year that the Earned Income Tax Credit was substantially expanded by the new president. Child poverty then fell from 28 percent to 17 percent by 2006. It rose during the Great Recession, but not by much; 19 percent of children were poor in 2012.
Economic growth deserves some of the credit for the decline in child poverty; even without taking federal taxes and transfers into account, poverty would have fallen between 1993 and 2000. However, economic growth might not have actually lowered child poverty much if not for the work incentives built into welfare reform. The 1990s expansion was the first one since 1960 in which poverty among single-mother families responded as much to falling unemployment as it did among married-parent families, and poverty fell by more among single-mother families than their married-parent counterparts from 1996 to 2000. The strong economy of the late 1990s was fortuitous, but child poverty declined slightly even after 2000, rising only very modestly, if at all, during the two recessions since then.
Child poverty would not have fallen as much, and it would have risen back to near-peak levels by 2012, if not for the safety net. But while the carrots and sticks that constituted these taxes and transfers deserve credit, one of the Columbia team's findings deserves emphasis. Through 1990, taxes and transfers had essentially no impact on the poverty rate they estimated. To be sure, the safety net moved some families up from deep poverty to less-intense hardship. But the Columbia poverty levels are pretty much the same from 1967 to 1990 whether or not the safety net is taken into account. Beginning in the early 1990s, however, taxes and transfers began to reduce child poverty rates below the levels they would otherwise have attained. The safety net was only effective at reducing poverty once the national mood was strongly in favor of fundamental reform and once those reforms began.
Rather than income per se being important for children, most conservatives believe that the key change in the lives of poor children instituted by welfare reform was to increase work among single mothers. Being raised in an environment where work and self-reliance are the norms rather than joblessness and dependence on government support is likely to rub off on children. Employment among single mothers increased sharply once welfare reform was signed into law. Just 35 percent of never-married mothers worked in 1983, according to Ron Haskins, a welfare reform expert who was centrally involved in crafting the 1996 legislation. By 1995 it was higher—46.5 percent. But in the four years after welfare reform was passed, it rose to 66 percent. As of 2010, near the depths of the Great Recession, employment among single mothers remained significantly higher than it was before welfare reform. Even among never-married mothers without a high school diploma, for instance, the employment rate stood at 61 percent in 2010, down from 71 percent in 2008 and 76 percent in 1999, but still well above 1992's 51 percent.
Conservatives also believe, based on a large body of evidence, that stable intact families are also crucial for upward mobility. Welfare reform is widely viewed as having failed to affect the worsening indicators of family disruption, primarily because the marriage promotion programs it funded were largely unsuccessful. But it may be that the most important things that government can do to promote mobility-producing behaviors and values is to provide economic incentives to adopt them and eliminate perverse incentives that discourage them. Welfare reform certainly changed incentives around childbearing and marriage.
Did it make a difference? There is quite a bit of suggestive evidence that it did in the patterns of out-of-wedlock childbearing before and after the period of welfare reform. The birthrate among unmarried women of childbearing age rose pretty much continuously from 1940 until 1991, accelerating in the late 1980s (see Table 1-18). However, it declined between 1991 and 1997. In the ensuing years, the unmarried birthrate increased—dramatically from 2002 to 2007—but from 2007 to 2013 the birthrate fell sharply, leaving it exactly at its 1991 level (Table 16). In other words, a fifty-year rise in the number of births per 1,000 unmarried women ended during a period in which fundamental welfare reform became a pressing public demand, and despite fluctuations, it was no higher in 2013 than when it leveled off in the early 1990s.
This trend is even more striking next to that for the married birthrate. The number of births per 1,000 married women fell from 1970 to 1996 but then rose between 1996 and 2007 (Table 1-19 and Table B). After 2007, the married birth rate fell and then began rising again, remaining higher in 2013 than in 1996. Unmarried birthrates, then, stopped rising even though married birthrates reversed course and began increasing steadily for the first time in decades.
Welfare reform, to the extent that it affected unmarried birthrates, would have influenced poorer and lower-educated women more than other women because the latter are much less reliant on federal means-tested assistance. Data on unmarried birthrates by income or education levels are not readily available, but we do have trends by race. African American families were and remain overrepresented among welfare recipients, so unmarried birth rates among blacks should have been effected more by welfare reform than those of unmarried white women.* The data indicate that from 1990 to 2013, the unmarried birth rate among African American women fell from 91 per 1,000 to 62 per 1,000–a dramatic decline of 32 percent. Among white unmarried women? The birthrate rose from 24 to 32 per 1,000.
Welfare reform also would have affected younger women more than older women. In 1993, about one-fourth of mothers between the ages of 15 and 19 and between the ages of 20 and 24 were on AFDC, compared with 15 percent of mothers ages 25 to 29, 11 percent of mothers ages 30 to 34, 7 percent of mothers ages 35 to 39, and 4 percent of mothers older than 39. Furthermore, minors were required to live with a guardian and attend school or training in order to receive welfare benefits after 1996.
Again, the trends in unmarried birth rates are consistent with welfare reform having an effect. Among both black and white unmarried women between the ages of 15 and 19, unmarried birth rates declined fairly continuously between the early 1990s and 2013. Among unmarried women ages 20 to 24, birthrates were basically identical to those for older teens through 1996 but then diverged. Among both blacks and whites, the 20- to 24-year-old unmarried birthrate turned upward between 1996 and 2000. After that, it continued to rise among unmarried whites in this age group until 2007 but fell among unmarried blacks (though much less strongly than it declined among older black teens). Moving up the age ranks, the post-1996 decline in unmarried birthrates switches to an increase among blacks and the post-1996 increase continues among whites. These increases in the unmarried birthrates grow with age, as the prevalence of welfare receipt falls. Within each age group, the trends for black women are better than those for white women.
Trends in the share of births that were to unmarried women also broadly fit the hypothesis that welfare reform affected childbearing. This fraction rose from 2 percent of births in 1940 among whites to 22 percent by 1996, and among blacks it rose from 17 percent to 70 percent. After 1996, the share of births that were to unmarried white women continued rising to 29 percent by 2008 and then leveled off. Among black women, however, the share of births that were to unmarried mothers was fairly stable after 1996, falling to 68 percent in 2001 and slowly rising back up to 71 percent in 2013.**
On the other hand, if welfare reform affected marriage or divorce rates, there's no obvious indication from the trend data, as this excellent Ben Casselman post shows. Ideally, we'd want to look at marriages in a year per 1,000 unmarried women rather than the percent of a group that is currently married, but that is a bigger project.
If Congress and the President were compelled to design from scratch a policy to increase upward mobility, it's likely that they would (eventually) come to agreement on a set of strategies. The policy would try to increase parent incomes, increase work among parents, reduce out of wedlock births, and boost the skills of poor children. Welfare reform seems to have succeeded advancing the first three of these objectives. The implication is that further safety net reforms along the same lines—require more of beneficiaries but provide more in terms of work supports—could also move more poor kids up. And if conservatives were also to introduce a serious early childhood agenda, we'd have all four bases covered.
* In both 1988 and 2009, for instance, African Americans represented 15 percent of families with children but 37 percent of welfare recipients in 1988 and 34 percent in 2009. For the share of families with children, see U.S. Census Bureau Historical Income Tables F-10. For the share of welfare recipients, see Table 7-18 of the House Ways and Means Green Book.
This piece originally appeared in Forbes
This piece originally appeared in Forbes