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Commentary By Avik Roy

Unfixed: House Passes Medicare 'Doc Fix' That Will Increase Spending & Deficits

Health, Health, Economics Healthcare, Tax & Budget

Today, with bipartisan support, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a significant Medicare reform bill, by a vote of 392 to 37. The bill would repeal Medicare's “Sustainable Growth Rate,” or SGR, and spend hundreds of billions of dollars increasing payments to doctors under Medicare, while modestly increasing Medicare premiums for upper-income retirees. President Obama has indicated that he will sign the legislation. But the bill appears to endorse a widely held view of Washington: that there's always bipartisan support for spending more of other people's money.

CBO: 'Doc fix' will increase deficit by $141 billion

There are many problems with our health care system. For millions of Americans, health care is unaffordably expensive. Government spending on health care is the prime driver of our deficits and debt; Medicare and Medicaid alone account for $100 trillion of unfunded liabilities to the federal government.

But Congress appears to believe that the biggest problem facing American health care is that doctors don't make enough money. This is such a big problem, they say, that it's worth actually adding to Medicare's unfunded liabilities in order to ensure that doctors make more.

You heard that right. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the bill passed by the House—formally titled the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015—would increase the federal deficit by $141 billion over the next ten years. It would increase federal spending by $145 billion, and revenues by $4 billion, over that period.

In theory, a short-term burst in federal spending might be acceptable if, over the long term, these changes would lead to savings. But the CBO said that the bill would “raise federal costs relative to current law during the decade after 2025,” though “considerable uncertainty exists” about that estimate.

An independent organization, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, has estimated that the “doc fix” will “add over $500 billion to the debt by 2035.”

The increase in long-term Medicare spending appears to contradict a claim made by House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio), that the bill “reduces the deficit over the long term” with “hundreds of billions in durable savings for taxpayers.”

American doctors are overpaid, not underpaid

The funny thing about all this is that U.S. physicians are hardly impoverished. Indeed, American doctors are paid more than their peers in the industrialized world.

A study by two Columbia researchers, Miriam Laugesen and Sherry Glied, published in Health Affairs, found that U.S. doctors are paid well more than those in Australia, Canada, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, even after taking into account the higher cost of medical school and malpractice insurance in the U.S.

“Public and private payers paid somewhat higher fees to U.S. primary care physicians for office visits (27 percent more for public, 70 percent more for private) and much higher fees to orthopedic physicians for hip replacements (70 percent more for public, 120 percent more for private) than public and private payers paid these physicians' counterparts in other countries,” wrote Laugesen and Glied. “U.S. primary care and orthopedic physicians also earned higher incomes ($186,582 and $442,450, respectively) than their foreign counterparts. We conclude that the higher fees, rather than factors such as higher practice costs, volume of services, or tuition expenses, were the main drivers of higher U.S. spending, particularly in orthopedics.”

Proponents argue that we would have spent the money anyway

Supporters of the doc fix, such as my friend and colleague Ryan Ellis, argue that it's not fair to score the bill as increasing federal spending, because Congress would have found a way to spend more on physician fees anyway. At least this way, say the proponents, increased doc spending is partially offset by other changes. “Under a more realistic baseline in which doctors don't face a 21 percent Medicare cut next week (or ever), H.R. 2 is a ten-year spending cut of $1 billion,” says Ryan.

But that is a highly hypothetical scenario. In fact, according to the CRFB, since 2004, 98 percent of past “doc fixes” have been paid for with offsetting spending cuts. While it's possible that Congress would not act responsibly in the future, we can't use that as logic to increase spending now. It's kind of like saying I might drink two bottles of scotch tonight, so I'll be acting prudently if I only drink one.

Not everything in the bill is terrible

In fairness, I should point out that there are some good things in the “doc fix” bill. The legislation makes some important changes to the Medicare program, by prohibiting supplemental “Medigap” insurance plans from covering the Medicare Part B deductible, currently $147 a year. This is a constructive change that will help ensure that seniors avoid unnecessary care.

Furthermore, the bill would increase Medicare premiums for high-earning retirees. Seniors with income above $133,501 a year would receive smaller premium subsidies in the Part B (physician services) and Part D (prescription drugs) portions of the Medicare program. Means testing is an important component of long-term Medicare reform, and this provision would move in that direction.

But both the Medigap reforms and the means-testing changes are baby steps that have been heavily watered down. The Medigap change only applies to new plans sold after 2020. The means-testing doesn't kick in until 2018, and the changes are modest.

A grab-bag of other changes, like efforts to reduce waste, fraud, and abuse, are not significant enough to offset the substantial increase in spending that the bill will create.

Senate, you're our only hope

The authors of the “doc fix” bill call it “entitlement reform.” But how does spending hundreds of billions more on Medicare get to be called “reform?”

What's particularly depressing about this bill is that it hikes payments to doctors at a time when Republicans are also slashing health care subsidies for the poor, in their fiscal year 2016 budget resolutions. It's hard to have credibility in reforming Medicaid and Obamacare when you're taking some of the savings and spending them on wealthy doctors.

Unfortunately, the train has left the station. The House has passed the bill, and the President has said he'll sign it. Freshman Sen. Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) has published an op-ed in Politico expressing a desire to “scrap this deal and work on a new solution.” The only way to salvage the situation is to persuade the Senate to beef up the Medigap and means-testing changes, so as to ensure that the bill would indeed reduce the deficit, relative to current law, in its second decade.

In 2006, Republicans lost their majorities in both the House and the Senate, in large part because they no longer stood for reducing the size and scope of government. If the “doc fix” becomes part of a deficit-busting pattern, it's hard not to envision a similar fate for this Congress.

This piece originally appeared in Forbes

This piece originally appeared in Forbes