Transcending King v. Burwell
On March 4, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in King v. Burwell, the case that many pundits claim will “blow up Obamacare.” That’s an exaggeration; whatever the High Court decides, Obamacare will remain entrenched in federal law. But if the Supremes do end up ruling against the Obama administration—a distinct possibility—they will be giving Congress a uniquely important opportunity to reshape the Affordable Care Act in far-reaching ways. Here’s how that could work.
Background on the Supreme Court case
First, some background on the issue, one we’ve been writing about since 2011, before it reached the courts.
Obamacare expands coverage to the uninsured using two mechanisms. The law was designed to achieve about half of its coverage expansion by expanding Medicaid, the 1965-vintage single-payer health care system for the poor. The other half of the coverage expansion would be brought about, according to the law, by creating regulated private insurance exchanges, in which those with lower incomes would have their premiums subsidized by the government.
The slapdash way in which Obamacare was passed in 2010 led to a discrepancy in the way Obamacare’s exchanges were set up. Basically, each state was expected to set up its own exchange, in order to receive the premium assistance subsidies. For states that didn’t set up their own exchanges, the Affordable Care Act authorizes the creation of a federally-run exchange as a backstop. But the law never formally authorizes the flow of premium assistance subsidies through the federal exchange; only exchanges “established by a State” are eligible for federal subsidies.
The Obama administration, as is its wont, simply ignored the text of the ACA and authorized the flow of hundreds of billions of dollars in Obamacare subsidies through the federal exchange. Numerous parties have been challenging the legality of this move—most notably my Forbes colleague Michael Cannon and his partner Jonathan Adler—culminating in the aforementioned Supreme Court case.
What Obamacare looks like if the challengers win
If the Supreme Court sides with the Obama administration—that it’s acceptable for the Treasury Department to spend trillions of dollars Congress did not authorize it to do—then Obamacare can continue pretty much as is.
On the other hand, if the Court agrees with the challengers, that would mean the end of Obamacare premium subsidies in states with federally-run exchanges. Only 14 states set up their own exchanges, meaning that such a ruling would affect subsidies in the other 36.
(By the way, the list of states without their own exchanges includes a dozen that Obama carried in 2012: New Mexico, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Maine, Delaware, Virginia, and Florida.)
Most of these states—especially the blue-to-purple ones—will want to figure out a way to recoup those federal subsidies. They involve almost no state-based spending. Hence, even most Republican governors will want to take the money. If you don’t believe me, take a look at Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion. Despite the fact that the Medicaid expansion is quite costly for state governments, a majority of states—including quite a few Republican ones—have gone along.
Republican options for responding: Two bad, one good
Republicans, who now control both the House and the Senate, have three basic options for responding to a victory in King v. Burwell. The first would be what we can call the “let it burn” option: doing nothing. Doing nothing would effectively blow up the federal exchange, while keeping most of Obamacare’s costly insurance mandates intact. About four million people could lose their Obamacare subsidies, with many returning to the ranks of the uninsured.
While such an outcome might please the most hardened anti-Obamacare activists, it contains risks for Republicans. Politically, the voters would likely blame Republicans for not offering an alternative path forward. Most states would likely set up their own, unreformed exchanges. And from a policy standpoint, the GOP would be foregoing what might be their best opportunity to reform the health care system.
The second option would be to surrender: to simply legalize what the Obama administration has attempted to do through extralegal means. That would meaning signing on to Obamacare’s blizzard of destructive mandates and regulations.
Between letting Obamacare burn, and unilateral surrender, there is a constructive middle ground, one in which Congress offers states the option of either going forward with Obamacare’s exchanges, or setting up an alternative, more market-oriented system.
The blueprint for market-based reform
In my health-reform plan, Transcending Obamacare, I propose an alternative to Obamacare’s exchanges, one that could not only replace Obamacare but also, over time, replace the Great Society’s government-run health insurance programs for the poor and the elderly.
Importantly, the plan doesn’t require Republicans to repeal every word of Obamacare. They could do that and replace it with the Transcending Obamacare approach; or, they could achieve the same result by a partial repeal and deregulation of the law.
How would that work? Under the reformed health insurance markets proposed in Transcending, Americans would be free to choose from a broad array of health insurance plans, instead of being forced by the government to choose from a narrow set of federally-certified options:
““The Plan repeals the ACA’s individual mandate requiring most Americans to purchase government-certified health coverage. The Plan restores the primacy of state-based exchanges and state-based insurance regulation. It expands the flexibility of insurers to design exchange-based policies that are more attractive to consumers, because they are of higher quality at a lower cost. The Plan expands access to health savings accounts. Because these reforms lower the cost of insurance for younger and healthier individuals, they have the potential to expand coverage, despite the lack of an individual mandate.”
States would gain the further option of abandoning exchanges entirely, and simply offering means-tested tax credits to their lower-income residents.
According to economic modeling we conducted in partnership with University of Minnesota economist Stephen Parente, we estimate that such reforms would decrease the cost of the average single insurance plan by 17 percent; the impact would be larger in the states that have seen the highest premium increases under Obamacare.
Unlike other alternatives to Obamacare, we estimate that the Transcending plan would actually cover 12 million more people than the ACA, because the plan reduces the underlying cost of health insurance. Furthermore, the plan would offer affordable coverage to those with pre-existing conditions, and those who are currently ill.
Transcending King v. Burwell
The King v. Burwell case offers Republicans an opportunity to propose the Transcending plan as an option for states that don’t want to embrace Obamacare-style exchanges. Congress could pass a bill that gives states two options: (1) setting up their own exchanges as specified under Obamacare; or (2) setting up liberalized insurance marketplaces like those described in Transcending Obamacare.
States could decide which of those options they preferred, and gain access to federal tax credits in either instance. Blue states could try the high-cost, mandate-regulate approach, and red states could try the market-based one. Congress could create a transitional period, through the end of this year, so that those currently receiving Obamacare subsidies are protected against disruption.
It’s widely thought that John Roberts’ decision to uphold Obamacare in 2012 was driven not by legal principle, but by Roberts’ political unwillingness to take responsibility for the disruption that would ensue. If Congress wants to achieve a different result this time, they’ll need to show Roberts that they will be prepared to act quickly to avoid disruption if federal exchange subsidies go away.
That means Congress should have its alternative sketched out by March, because the Court typically takes its initial vote on a case soon after oral arguments are concluded. President Obama, of course, would not sign such a bill before the Court’s decision were handed down. But afterwards, if the Court sides with the challengers, Obama may face increasing public pressure to compromise with Republicans.
The emerging reformist consensus
In my discussions with Republicans in Congress, and with GOP-aligned health care policy types, I’m struck by the degree to which conservatives are coalescing around a post-King strategy. John Goodman and Yuval Levin and Jim Capretta and I might differ on some technical details on how the reformed exchanges should work, but on the broad principles there is wide agreement. This is a contrast to the often fractious disagreements among conservatives as to how to replace Obamacare in toto.
If Congress were successful in passing these reforms, the consequences would be far-reaching. Republicans would finally be able to point to a vision of how they would like the health insurance market to function. They’d be able to build on 2015 reforms as a way to reform other health care entitlements. And they’d be able to show the public something that has eluded them for a long time: that they can credibly govern on the issue of health care.
The possibilities are exciting, if a few things go their way. Let’s hope they do.
This piece originally appeared in Forbes
This piece originally appeared in Forbes